Whino White Sangria
Camrose, AB
A craft wine sangria that starts with the aroma of peach, then flavours of raspberry, and ends in an oaky chardonnay.
Company Information
Half Korked Winery Ltd.
Camrose, AB
Half Korked Winery is based in the heart of Alberta. We make custom, craft Winegria. Rowdy Red Winegria - starts with sweet Wildberry and ends in full bodied Merlot. Whino White Winegria - starts with an aroma of Peach, then taste of Raspberry and ends in an Oaky Chardonnay. Traditionally Blitz'd - German fFruit Cake Merlot - starts with the aroma of coffee and ends in a chocolately fulll bodied Merlot. This is our take on a Sangria we age our wines and add fruit essence to them.