
Black Stripe Coffee
Vegreville, AB
Over 10 varieties of whole bean coffee sourced from around the globe and ranging from light to dark roast. Available in 1 lbs, 5 lbs, or 12-cup sample sized bags. Try one of our 3 specialty-infused coffees (Bourbon, Spiced Rum, Amaretto) for an even more unique experience!
Company Information

Black Stripe Coffee
Vegreville, AB
Micro-batch coffee roaster based in Vegreville, AB, shipping worldwide. The majority of our coffees are roasted on demand on our 1kg roaster to ensure the freshest coffee possible. When we receive your order, it's added to the the queue and you will be notified when it's ready for delivery or pickup (typically within a week). Turnaround on the specialty-infused coffees are 2-3 weeks.